Our Products
Products Overview
From our first days in 1949, Seneca Foods has been dedicated to providing quality shelf-stable and frozen food products. Our high standards are maintained through continued investments in advanced food-processing technologies, high-speed efficiencies, plus a passion for uncompromising quality control. Our fruits and vegetables are harvested and packaged to ensure peak flavor, nutrition, and freshness.
Food Safety & Integrity
Our plants are certified according to British Retail Consortium (BRC) guidelines and recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). We also have training programs, conduct and support numerous audits, and meet our regulatory compliance obligations, including the Food Safety and Modernization Act.
The fruits, vegetables and legumes in our products are not genetically modified. A number of our products are certified organic according to USDA federal guidelines.
Read more about Food Safety at Seneca
Featured Organic Products
Featured Organic Products


Black Beans