Our Planet
Our Roots Run Deep in Agriculture
As a producer of fruits and vegetables from farms in our local communities, Seneca has a special connection to our planet—a connection that continually drives our innovations related to sustainable farming and packaging. Each year, we use rigorous methods to improve our production cycle and list actionable steps to make those business practices even more environmentally healthy.
Being good stewards of the food supply and natural environment also directly improves the long-term sustainability of our business. That's why we embrace responsibility for our actions and encourage a positive impact on the environment as part of our long-standing fundamental beliefs. Without the dedication of our employees, partners, consumers and the community, achieving these environmental goals would be impossible.
We Believe in Protecting Our Environment
Effective environmental conservation requires fine-tuning practices in the usage of water, energy and other resources. Only then can we minimize the impact our business has on the environment. We continue to invest in efficient equipment for our agriculture departments. One example is our use of GPS and air planters when planting our pea seeds in the Central Sands Wisconsin area. This has allowed us to achieve a savings of 3.5% of seed and a reduction of 67,000 lbs of seed on 8,000 acres. Using GPS for tillage to avoid overlapping the same area also reduces our carbon footprint. Seneca is dedicated to responsible practices across the board from recycling and efficiently using energy resources, to conserving water, optimizing packaging and practicing responsible integrated pest management.

Sustainability Takes Hard Work
Our products come from the earth. It’s our job to make sure we’re contributing to self-sustaining practices and reviewing them on a regular basis. We are constantly developing and implementing new systems and procedures that not only keep us in compliance with ever-changing regulations, but also reflect our dedication to nurturing a healthy environment. Read More
Supply Chain & CA Disclosures
In compliance with California's Transparency in Supply Chains Act ("Act") and Seneca's commitment to conduct its business with integrity, Seneca has undertaken various steps to address the importance of preventing slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain. The vast majority of supplies for Seneca products are sourced and produced in the United States of America. Seneca works directly with suppliers to certify, contractually or otherwise, that the materials and products purchased by Seneca comply with the laws in the countries in which we are doing business. We work with our suppliers to evaluate and address a range of ethical and legal risks. We reserve the right to verify compliance with the Act by conducting audits by Seneca or third party auditing firms as we deem necessary. Seneca does not condone or support human trafficking or slavery and will take necessary actions and procedures to address failures by suppliers and employees to do so in the supply chain. Seneca has and will continue to provide training to employees and management on the prevention of human trafficking and slavery or ethical behavior in conducting its business.